Law aims to stop landlords from renting rent-regulated units at market rates
Rent adjustments that are more than twice as bad
New law gives renters more protections from high rent increases and eviction
2.75% one year leases & 5.25% for two-year leases
Construction unions rejected the plan for a new tax incentivized plan, but developers are holding their ground
Older buildings are often saddled with higher costs
Budget resolutions set stage for 421a, good cause debate
Tenants got surprise eviction notices when vouchers didn’t renew
State has proposed some forms of aid
Supreme Court won’t hear arguments from landlords that NYC’s rent stabilization law is unconstitutional
Study shows “small-portfolio” owners (basically mom-and-pops with 10 or less units) getting slammed
Landlords win revisions, support final version of bill
bill signed that expands the definition of fraud in rent overcharge cases
Blames red ink on winding down fundraising ahead of merger with RSA
Four laws give tenants additional safeguards during emergencies
The decisions are political, not economic
Landlords are running out of options for relief
New Yorks rent control laws are cratering the city’s housing supply
The Supreme Court must say no to New York’s insane rent control schemes
Fines up to $10,000 on landlords who knowingly lease commercial space to unlicensed marijuana
Landlord groups have similar members, vastly different styles
Rent-stabilized buildings constructed before 1960
Lower the bar for “proving” a tenant was fraudulently overcharged on rent and vastly expand the “lookback period”
NYC social services agency is rejecting tens of thousands of tenants who apply for emergency assistance loans to cover their […]
3% increase on one-year lease
Once apartments are combined, landlords can set whatever rent they want
CHIP says housing chairs tried to sneak measure through
Lawmakers approve multifamily upgrade incentive at last minute
Owners retreat to Zoom after tenant protest derails meeting
After Airbnb suit, Local Law 18 crackdown won’t begin until September
Measure seeks to fine owners who lease to unlicensed dispensaries
Open New York’s Annemarie Gray says pols see no cost for inaction
Dramatic storylines have emerged from tax break’s expiration
City bill to let tenants report hazards in vacant units gets hearing
Requiring landlords to have a good reason to evict anyone is fair, right
Activists jumped on stage, but Supreme Court could steal the show
“Worst Landlord Law” aims to shame owners who falsely certify fixing infractions
CHIP’s Jay Martin calls withdrawals “not really that big of a deal”
Middle-ground proposal immediately panned by both landlord, tenant advocates
Owners’ last, best shot to end rent stabilization in New York
Rent Guidelines Board report proposes up to 8.5% bump as landlords’ costs balloon
Landlord groups say $25K-per-unit pilot program falls short
Real Estate Board of New York has estimated that without such an extension, some 32,000 planned apartments would not be […]
Hochul also pitched extending the deadline to qualify for an expired tax abatement known as 421a if developers can complete […]
Landlords want higher-than-average increases for NYC’s one million rent-stabilized tenants
Imposing rent controls on the city’s 1.4 million market-rate apartments for the first time
Would impose rent controls on market-rate buildings in the five boroughs
Plaintiffs plan to petition the Supreme Court next
A controversial bill prohibiting Big Apple landlords from performing criminal background checks on prospective tenants
Mom-and-pop owners protest failures of state’s rent relief
Washington reallocates $100M to New York
Comptroller proposes similar program to temporarily legalize basement, cellar units
As part of the deal, they must reset rents to legal rates, refund tenants the difference, and once again offer […]
Landlords blame the state’s rent law for making repairs a money-losing proposition; lawmakers don’t believe them
The bill’s failure was a blow for groups like Housing Justice For All, which has rallied relentlessly to pressure the […]
Some Democrats are calling proposed increases for NYC roughly one million rent-stabilized apartments
After listening you will clearly understand why passage of this Bill will be GOOD for nothing!
Two weeks after the Rent Guidelines Board’s staff floated rent hikes of up to 4.5 percent on one-year leases for […]
ERAP gets $800 million
Federal allocation is 7% of what state requested
Experts say the unions’ push could draw lawmakers’ attention to the good cause campaign
Landlords argue that the rent-regulation system violates their constitutional property right
“Good Cause Eviction” bill will strictly limit rent increases and evictions on New York City renters.
New mayor to tackle, including quality-of-life issues, faster permitting and zoning changes
Relief needs approval by the state legislature and would take months
It would strip landlords of their ownership rights
Beginning in 2024, new buildings in the city will go electric
The bill would have created a liability for owners and a worry for tenants
Committee votes to advance bill reviving tax break for multifamily repair
Signs law raising renting power of homeless New Yorkers
The bill, landlords would be blocked from running criminal record checks
Bill would prevent residential landlords from seeking early termination fees
Gov. Hochul has asked for almost $1 billion in additional funding
Letter by CA, IL, NY officials, among others, asks HUD to stay proceedings on low-income tenants who applied for relief
Gov. Hochul signed legislation delaying verdict until mid-2022
Tenants facing rent hikes of more than 3 percent or 1.5 percent of inflation — whichever is higher — would […]
After federal court said law may be unconstitutional, ruling on personal liability clauses could have broad implications
Brooklyn borough president, showered with real estate money in campaign’s final months, will be city’s 110th mayor
Existing buildings would have until 2026 to comply
As of September 22, the state has allocated $1.6 billion in federal funds
Universal access would expand aid to four times more households
Enacting Commercial Rent Stabilization will significantly damage New York City’s economy and impair the viability of conducting business in NYC.
Third lawsuit awaiting arguments in Second Circuit
Gov. Kathy Hochul touts $1.2B set aside for landlords, with $399M paid out
Hochul has the experience and bold ideas to navigate the serious threats facing New York
Developers wished Adams defended more vigorously projects he supported
State legislature passed an extension on the state’s eviction moratorium
Draft legislation does not make tenants produce evidence of hardship
“I am not at all satisfied with the pace that this COVID relief is getting out the door,”
Billions of dollars have yet to be distributed by the state to help renters and landlords
Issues crucial to industry on deck for incoming governor
Local logjams have meant just $3B of $47B has been sent to tenants, landlords
Key items you should be aware of if your business is in the real estate industry
Collections, vacancy and rent are at, or above, pre-pandemic levels and investors are all in
One Shot Deal funds $150M in rent arrears each year; a progressive think tank wants Eric Adams to double that
State has distributed just $117K in rent relief from $2.7B pot, with 160K applications filed
Tenants can’t be evicted for nonpayment of rent in cases where an “unreasonable” increase in rent occurred
The Brooklyn borough president emerged as a palatable choice for developers and brokers
Split-court ruling means landlords must endure for at least another month
Biden’s newly released Green Book provides further detail surrounding his tax proposals.
This section of the tax code has benefited investors large and small for 100 years.
Of the three likeliest winners, two — Eric Adams and Kathryn Garcia — have signaled they’re pro-development
Capital gains above $1 million from top bracket rate of 43.4% in New York State and city taxes are added, […]
Federal moratorium set to end June 30; but tenant advocates maintain wave of evictions will follow
Program to subsidize renovations expired a year ago
Differences emerge on industry donations, housing policy, taxes
Bill would increase subsidies for homeless New Yorkers to federal levels
Program will allocate $2.7B to tenants, landlords hit hard by pandemic
Five separate suits challenging the law’s constitutionality are still taking up space on court dockets.
Post-2019 change, 51% of tenants must buy into conversion plans
Mayor signs bill giving representation to all low-income renters facing eviction
State must offer funds directly to tenants if landlords choose not to participate in the program
New York landlords and tenants will gain access to $2.3 billion in federal aid allocated by the state.
Frustrated landlords demand Albany get rent aid out the door
Uncertainty surrounding capital gains tax break lingers
Real estate groups say lack of representation is par for the course
Small business owners believe the moratorium is still necessary while they wait for government funds.
Property owners testified at Rent Guidelines Board’s Thursday meeting
Tenants would have one-time option to extend leases up to a year
The extender bill is expected to go to a full vote in the Senate and Assembly later this week.
Make that more than 55% if you live in New York or California.
More than $2 billion in federal and state rent relief, but also tax hikes exceeding $4.3 billion.
Newly bill, would bar evictions and rent increases for one year in cases where landlords accept aid.
Albany finally have the big bucks to pass a substantial relief program as part of the state budget
Second Round of Rent Relief Reached Even Fewer People Than First
Senate and Assembly released their one-house budget resolutions, providing a snapshot of each chamber’s priorities
Judge says landlords have no constitutional right to “unregulated market”
The state legislature is set to extend the eviction moratorium on small businesses and landlords with fewer than 10 apartment […]
$23.5 billion will be allocated for New York.
Blanket moratorium on evictions is unconstitutional.
Differences emerge on industry donations, housing policy, taxes
Commercial real estate investors that can be accessed through state and local governments
Assembly members also want rent debt forgiveness for tenants
Measure on accessory dwelling units comes with rent control
Rising liability insurance costs, and delays in city approvals that are making it increasingly challenging to break even financially.
Real estate leaders support Biden’s plan for $25 billion in rental assistance
Commercial eviction ban | Office and hotel conversions | Emission cap workaround | Tax and disclosure changes | Infrastructure
Ban evictions of businesses with fewer than 50 employees until May 1
We look forward to restoring property rights to thousands of property owners
Biden is expected to move quickly to extend protections for renters, Bloomberg reported, and may sign an executive order within […]
If a tenant files a Hardship Declaration with an Owner, the Owner cannot bring an eviction proceeding before May 1, […]
Plan to rebuild the economy also included legalizing adult-use cannabis and online sports betting tax to help plug a $15 […]
Cuomo had previously said he intended to extend existing legislation limiting evictions, portions of which were to expire at the […]
Move comes hours after governor says current regime will be extended
Landlord groups say it’s a good start, but not enough
Holes in the federal aid package will hurt the industry starting next year
Since the mid-terms, Democrats have held the majority of seats but a supermajority allows Democrats to override any veto from […]
A coalition of housing groups releases a blueprint that includes rezoning affluent neighborhoods, legalizing basement apartments and turning hotels into […]